Sunday, May 25, 2008
I am typing on a Macbook which is........ MINE MINE MINE!
Yeah, I got my own Macbook. Now my life is almost complete. Thanks to Singnet. I love Singnet.
Waiting for Amin to install Adobe CS2 in it, then kan, that's it ah.
I came home on Wednesday night after closing, to be greeted by the sight of a luminous white box lying on my bed. I swear it looked like it came straight from heaven. Belum mandi belum aper, I opened the box and set my sight on this wondrous thing and straightaway hugged it. Haha.
They've hoarded up One Fullerton, but business is still on. YES PEOPLE WE ARE STILL OPEN. Come in and see our happy faces, now that there's no view to enjoy.
Ok I'm hungry.
@ 1:24 AM
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Okay! I have finally got around to uploading my gazillions of photos on Photobucket. I hope people are happy -stares at Shikin- haahah.
Anyhoo. They are all still uploading now. Still uploading. Lalala.
Watched Speed Racer at EHub At Downtown East. Yes people, got Cathay there. Very nice and spacious, with leg room so you can throw your legs around anywhere you want. Watched the 2.05 pm show, with a countable sum of fellow watchers.
Speed Racer, to me, is awesome. To you, I don't know. I think it's either a love it or hate it movie. Must always watch movies with an open mind, not a pessimistic critical anal one.
EHub is a very nice place full of eateries that will spoil you for goddamn choice.
Got New York New York, Gelare, Full House, BBQ Chicken, Superdog, Taiwanese Street Snacks, some yoghurt place, Teasia Cafe blah blah. There's even a doughnut place. Tsk. There's also an arcade and a bowling alley. And NTUC. And that big playground thing where you dump your kids while you go off schnoodling somewhere. So fun right.
Then me and Mizee went to the beach for some us-time. Haha.
I still want to live by the beach.
@ 8:52 PM
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Three days and two nights of utter bliss. Waking up to the smell and sound of the beach is so freaking awesome, I wish I can do it everyday. I wish I'm a multi-billionaire, then I can buy a house at Sentosa Cove. Oh well.
I love you.
Shikin 'Pwincesshh' got surprised at OF on Friday night. Stupid BMW event, make the place cramped only. Nabe.
Pictures soon babes, I gotta rush my assignment. Ta!
My old friend, don't you ever come againYou make me feel so blue, and I don't know what to do.
@ 8:37 PM
Saturday, May 03, 2008
I took my Coffee Master Challenge on the 27th, Sunday (after much heated arguments on whether it was on Saturday or Sunday), and I had a lot of fun. Well, after devoting half my time to studying for it, the least I could do was have fun I guess. I didn't know anybody else in my batch, except for Fuad, who didn't even turn up in the end that useless doofus.
Before I go on, I'd like to say a huge thanks to Ros Syafiqah Binte Roslan for her never-ending support (she even accompanied me to the HQ on her off day and had to sit outside and wait) and guidance. She helped me alot, she believed in me, she was my main motivation/motivator. CHEH machiam award acceptance speech gitu kan. HAHA.
Also, thanks to Ahmad Tarmizi Bin Sanusi for accompanying me on my studying sessions even though it probably bored the shit out of you. Then you help me out of my brain-deadness by taking me out! I love you!
Special thanks to Ching for your words of advice, and your firm belief in me.
And last but not least, the whole of SBOF for the wonderful support I've received. Nyeh.
(I typed all that on the 29th before wondering if it was a little too over-confident because I hadn't received any confirmation yet hahaha, so I didn't publish it)
Hahah, as you can see, I very happy.
Yesterday, at work, I feeling abit. I wore Fazees' black apron. Hehe. The apron is longer than my skirt.
More updates another day. I very tired. Ta!
@ 8:50 PM

Okay, so I'm this girl right.
Who had big plans to change the world.
When I was young, I wanted to be either a zoologist, veterinarian or pilot.
I wanted to travel and help eradicate poverty.
And then when this girl grows up, she's all like, fack that!
She becomes guilty of things she never thought she'd have done.
She meets people of all shapes and sizes, some beautiful, some downright fugly.
Both inside and outside.
She becomes acquainted with some things called failure and commitment.
She realises love is as elusive as, perhaps, weight loss.
I let my inner demon out through my art.
green eyes on hot guys, red and purple shoes, pepper and cream puffs, lincoln park at midnight
sitting on carpark roofs talking nonsense, meaningful silences, chewy cookie bits in vanilla ice cream
chocolate icing, shopping till my legs give out, smiling at random people, thinking about stuff
panadol or whatever pills for that matter, retarded nails, losing my voice, being broke
bananas, my thighs and big ass, man boobs, seeing something i really like but discovering that it costs a bomb

levi's jeans, pimple cream, fake lashes, hair dye, a bigger paycheque, M&Ms
new specs, and possibly a hotass guy to sweep me off my feet
{♥} shikin
{♥} atiqah
{♥} sarah
{♥} syafs
{♥} azura
{♥} ilyana
{♥} nurul
{♥} syaf
{♥} jocelyn
{♥} laila
{♥} aiman
{♥} SBOFpirates!
{♥} friend
{♥} friend
designer : kathleen
image : jde
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