Thursday, March 20, 2008
I had an awesome eighteenth birthday. Awesome awesome awesome.
Being the oblivious person that I am, I did not foresee three surprises. I am serious, I think I am surprise-radar deficit or something. Even if you drop hints, I will not suspect a thing.
First one was The Tasty Bunch. They surprised me with a home made cake at Resto Surabaya, then we had Ayam Penyet and two good hours of pool. Ah, just like the good old days. I miss you guys.
I didn't get thrown into the pool! Heh. A lot of other people did though. Kesian, jadi scapegoat.
Chalet at Aloha Loyang (my favourite! Well, so far anyway) with the lovely people of One Fullerton, shisha, movies, cake, 500 bucks. I love you people.
Ahmad Tarmizi lied to me saying he would be in Malacca for some wedding. I totally fell for it. "Happy Birthday Dear" in glowsticks. The first thing I said to him was, "YOU MORON!" Haha! It was so sweet it brought tears to my eyes. Gueh sayang banget sama lu!
Now I'm eighteen. So fast. Two more months and it'll be a year since I joined Starbucks. Two more months and I'll be in my second year in poly. No more fooling around Syafiqin!
My parents were at home just now, and they are so adorable together. My mum made my dad take off so that he can help her bake brownies. And he was grumbling about it, then he smacked my mum jokingly. Then my mum took a wooden back scratcher and smacked him on the butt. KELAKAR EH. Then he complained to me, "See lah your mum, ask me take off help her make brownies, then she smack me, haiyo, eh kak go wash the toilet lah!"
I said, " HUH??? NO! "
"OH kat Starbucks boleh cuci toilet eh, kat rumah taknak!"
(Oh at Starbucks can wash toilet, at home don't want!)
"Aper Pa?? Kat Starbucks maner ader toilet??"
(What Pa?? At Starbucks where got toilet??")
"Abeh korang kencing kat maner?"
(Then you all pee where?")
"Kat public toilet lah!"
(At the public toilet lah!)
My mum cuts in, "Eh pergi cuci toilet lah! Anak kau tengah makan kan!!"
(Eh go wash the toilet lah! Your daughter eating right!)
Back to my dad, "mengomel mengomel mengomel"
(grumble grumble grumble)
Me and my mum, "hehehehehehehe"
My parents are so adorable!!!
Goodnight dears.
@ 10:21 AM
Monday, March 10, 2008
I'm in school, on my off day, waiting for project consultation with Mr. Motherfucker. Wow. What a lovely Tuesday.
I wonder how I could stand contact lenses for so long. It's so wonderful to be able to wake up, shower, put on mascara and straightaway put on my glasses. It sure beats spending twenty minutes trying to poke two pieces of plastic into your sleep-depraved, irritated eyes.
I just hope Mr.Mofo doesn't make my life miserable by putting down my pictures completely. This is something new; I have never had my pictures graded before. It's usually, hmm nice photo opportunity, point and shoot, look back at the photo and smile. I've rarely had to think when I take photos, and I've never had to worry whether my photos will be criticized or put down or whatnot.
Am feeling extra fat today. Haiya.
@ 9:41 PM
Friday, March 07, 2008
Im turning eighteen in nine days! (just a gentle reminder)
I want to say a big thankyou to Laila for the tumbler. Lup you lah! Thank you! Muah!
Today was shisha (or is it shesha? however you spell it) marathon day with Laila, Mun and Mizee. First was free at Sanobar, thanks to Laila's favourite Arab dude, then we went to Al Majlis, where Mun has his other job.
I'm trying not to be too reckless with my money. I know I'll be needing a whole chunk of it for my Photog final project. 15 A4 digital prints! That is a shitload of money ah! Seriously! Motherfucker my lecturer. As you can tell, I hate his guts.
My shoulder aching ah. GHHGHGKJGHHNNRRRRR. ARGH.
@ 9:04 AM

Okay, so I'm this girl right.
Who had big plans to change the world.
When I was young, I wanted to be either a zoologist, veterinarian or pilot.
I wanted to travel and help eradicate poverty.
And then when this girl grows up, she's all like, fack that!
She becomes guilty of things she never thought she'd have done.
She meets people of all shapes and sizes, some beautiful, some downright fugly.
Both inside and outside.
She becomes acquainted with some things called failure and commitment.
She realises love is as elusive as, perhaps, weight loss.
I let my inner demon out through my art.
green eyes on hot guys, red and purple shoes, pepper and cream puffs, lincoln park at midnight
sitting on carpark roofs talking nonsense, meaningful silences, chewy cookie bits in vanilla ice cream
chocolate icing, shopping till my legs give out, smiling at random people, thinking about stuff
panadol or whatever pills for that matter, retarded nails, losing my voice, being broke
bananas, my thighs and big ass, man boobs, seeing something i really like but discovering that it costs a bomb

levi's jeans, pimple cream, fake lashes, hair dye, a bigger paycheque, M&Ms
new specs, and possibly a hotass guy to sweep me off my feet
{♥} shikin
{♥} atiqah
{♥} sarah
{♥} syafs
{♥} azura
{♥} ilyana
{♥} nurul
{♥} syaf
{♥} jocelyn
{♥} laila
{♥} aiman
{♥} SBOFpirates!
{♥} friend
{♥} friend
designer : kathleen
image : jde
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