Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Here I am, eating warm chocolate cake in my room, reading my photography notes, music floating in the air. I feel so contented. If only it was raining.
I need more of these kind of nights.
No bodoh customers, no feeling of aching fatigue. I'm not sick of work, no, I just need a break. And to think I used to work five days a week, working eight hours at a time. Crazy.
I need to clean up my room so badly.
Okay, back to my notes.
@ 7:10 AM
Monday, February 25, 2008
I am in school people! Go buy 4D for yesterday's date. Go!
Photography, the only reason I am stepping in school. But, I have a dickhead for a lecturer who keeps bragging about himself and throwing hissy fits when we are late and such. Just now he tossed a heavy bunch of notes at a latecomer, who happened to be standing behind me, and of course the latecomer didn't manage to catch the notes because civilised people do not throw notes at each other, so the notes bloody dropped on me! Pain!
And and and, the staple caught onto my sleeve and now there's a slight hole on my sleeve. Nabeh.
@ 11:05 PM
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Some things are just so hard to do.
Like blogging regularly for instance. And going to school.
Today was brilliant. Balancing acts and posing for pictures at Sunset Way with my Indon tourist, then meeting up with Han and Sarah beloved for dinner and mochi.
I want to do late night shenanigans again.
I'm turning eighteen in less than a month (just a gentle reminder), I hope the sabotage is not too awful. Remember my dear pirates, I cannot swim, and chlorine must not touch my contacts! I do not want to die on my eighteenth birthday.
@ 9:04 AM
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Thanks to Amin, I have managed to finish three assignments in a record time of four hours! I was close to ripping my hair out due to my lack of proper software and my greater lack of time, but Amin kindly lent me his Mac, and tadah!
Heh. I wanted to go store real early, like nine o'clock early, but knowing me, plus the fact that I did closing yesterday, nine o'clock was never going to happen.
Anyhoo, I'm freezing in here.
And my shoulders are aching. The chronic ache is back and with a vengeance too. Haiya.
OK lah bye lah.
@ 11:11 PM
Tuesday, February 05, 2008
It's been more than a week since I last blogged.
It's been more than a week since I attended school. Okay, kidding. I went to school yesterday, after six days of not doing so. As usual, the quiet talks outside the classroom, the offers of help in case I have any 'learning difficulties' (this does not mean I am spastic, it just means loss of motivation). I know they cannot help me.
In Design, if you can't help yourself, nobody can.
So I've decided to stop this slacking nonsense. I stayed up till 5 this morning working on my first assignment, got one heck of a brainwave, and basically soaked in my own creative juices. That felt nice.
So, I'm off to do my research for my second assignment.
Cheers darlings.
@ 8:27 PM

Okay, so I'm this girl right.
Who had big plans to change the world.
When I was young, I wanted to be either a zoologist, veterinarian or pilot.
I wanted to travel and help eradicate poverty.
And then when this girl grows up, she's all like, fack that!
She becomes guilty of things she never thought she'd have done.
She meets people of all shapes and sizes, some beautiful, some downright fugly.
Both inside and outside.
She becomes acquainted with some things called failure and commitment.
She realises love is as elusive as, perhaps, weight loss.
I let my inner demon out through my art.
green eyes on hot guys, red and purple shoes, pepper and cream puffs, lincoln park at midnight
sitting on carpark roofs talking nonsense, meaningful silences, chewy cookie bits in vanilla ice cream
chocolate icing, shopping till my legs give out, smiling at random people, thinking about stuff
panadol or whatever pills for that matter, retarded nails, losing my voice, being broke
bananas, my thighs and big ass, man boobs, seeing something i really like but discovering that it costs a bomb

levi's jeans, pimple cream, fake lashes, hair dye, a bigger paycheque, M&Ms
new specs, and possibly a hotass guy to sweep me off my feet
{♥} shikin
{♥} atiqah
{♥} sarah
{♥} syafs
{♥} azura
{♥} ilyana
{♥} nurul
{♥} syaf
{♥} jocelyn
{♥} laila
{♥} aiman
{♥} SBOFpirates!
{♥} friend
{♥} friend
designer : kathleen
image : jde
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